Our Apartment Ver.b22 – ImPervert


Our Apartment is an expansion of the concepts in the popular The Couch, rebuilding a lot of it’s features from scratch an adding a lot more.

Current Features (Preview Release):
Beautiful real-time 3D character and animations
Clothing customization of Naomi including casual to sexy outfits and costumes like Werewolf, new items and variants added all the time! Currently over 500 individual items and variant items!
Undress Naomi with various clothing states for each outfit item
Use Pose Mode to view your outfit combinations freely changing Naomi’s expressions and physical state
Customization of the male avatars colors, transparency, hats, face, and dick type.
Sex Sim gameplay with various speed and cumming options, groping, petting.
Sounds and moans that vary based on the intensity and Naomi arousal.
VN Style “Three Weeks” and “New Outfit” Animated and voice acted dialogue featuring an excerpt of the story.

Full Game Features (WIP):
“Daily” gameplay similar to Teaching Feeling or Persona where you can choose various actions with Naomi for that day
Story that takes place over a year starting from the beginning of meeting Naomi
Dating sim and stats elements that affect sex sim gameplay and some dialogue
Ability to take Naomi places
Wider range of sex positions, types, and role play scenes.
Larger range of outfit options to mix and match
Keep in mind many assets mostly the environment and content here are work in progress or temporary.

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